Those Fallen in the World Wars II and the Bible Inmemorial Homenage

Resultado de imagen para the bibleIn the Illustred year of 1945 in the Order Military in  the Battle  by the just Fredooms. in the Order and  the Conciencies . Thuosands of Yuongs Christians.
in the Faith Defences in Combat intro of the Illustred land of France . the yuongs soldier just . of North America, in the Greater just  Figth of the times and theirs Hope the Bible .
Resultado de imagen para presidente eisenhowerin the Order of the Sir President. of the United States Eisenhower   in the Country of the wars. in valient justice . the Humillity Soldiers in the Readings of Lectures of the Scriptures . in the study and Reflextions. in the history of the Greaters II War of the Worlds in the Originals history of the II Greater Worlds  the Inmemorials Sir President Eisenhower in their Seriuos Postured . in the Present possition of the past . in the Love to the Scriptures. in his Major justice of   Fair  in the Lord God. and the just Generations. in the Humans Rights.  in the peace in his Hearts the Soldiers valients . in values and the Justice. in the Fields of the Study in the Scripture and values . Humanitarys . in the Wars  God Bless to Uniteds and colombia Peace to Europeans . in Name of  My President Juan Manuel Santos . and the values to the Sir President Trump God Blessing. To the Union European. Hopes. and Honors of thanks just and Sinceres. 


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