Egypt in Times of the New Textament in the Trip of Joshep and Mary. New Studies in the Week.

Imagen relacionadaEgypt in the New Textaments in the Trip of the Exilium  of  the just  Josep and  Mary  in the Imperials Year of Cesar Ovtavianus Augustus . Egypt  it Was.  a  Great Populations.  Amongs.
Resultado de imagen para maria y jose su viaje a Egipto. watchtower
its  in Habitans Between  Bediunes . From  Southerm Persian .  and part of Africa.  in Times of the New Textaments  They did    Not Existis  The Greater Pharons.  only Existed Governors   By Principes and Bigs Satraps.  of the Small Nation.  the Biggest  Nation.  Dominated  the Borders
between Persian and the Acient Chaldea  Its Name Rome. in times of Agustus Existed on Great Censo . in the description Geo-Politic Biblicals . and the Part of the Times . Egypt not was  on Population of Pharaon . in great Possition . if Not . on Ilustruriuos Poblation . of Governators . in Small Provinces . Rome . in theirs Times . on Great Nation . in his Republicans Order. Imperials.
in times of Romen Imperiun  Egypt and his Habitans  Valients Peoples . in the Great Legady of theirs Days. 


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