The Bible historicy Bases Studies and Overtured New Weeks. I first Day of week

Imagen relacionadaThe Major Bases Historicy is in Firts Place the Holys Gospels. and the II Greater texts  the old and New textaments .
in the history Sacred . and the Majors studies in the texts . and the Manuscriptes . Sacred
in the All the Faith Christianithy . of the eges .
in the Major Defences theologals . in the  Holys Spirit  in the Mores of III  Centuries in the times Apostolicals . and the Times . in the Firts Familys just Christianthys . in the Paper of the history divine in the true
in ours Lord and saviuor jesus Chris .
in the Inspiration and Guide of Holy spirit . to ours Present generation . in love and hope to Major Rights just the studies of the True than is Christ the lord and saviuor . in ours Present days. in the century XXI
inthe longs III Centuries . in the historicity Divine in the just and humble theachings . than is the true Christ.
in the Center of the true Christians in all the eges and Centuries . and the importands Reason of the history of the canon . Inspirtaed in ours  Humbles Hearts 


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