The Introducction of the Sabbath in the Manuscriptes

Resultado de imagen para manuscritosThe introdduction of Sabbath is on of the Most Importands  and Conmemoratives Days in the Holys Manuscriptes . its is the true Day in the Fundation of the history . in the Scriptures . of All the Others Week. and Days.  
in this Bloggers  we have Written  this theme  Manys times. in the Healthy Theachings . of the Times. in Relation to the Scriptures.
and nots is Constituyings on Aisllated Heresys   and its  is  No false  if it a True  . in the Scriptures . in the Canon and vision of the Bible. in
ImagenThe Relation to True.Biblicals . in the olds Manuscriptes and the News Manuscriptes Respect to Christ. 


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