The just and Sincere Studies of the Sacred Scriptures. Study Globals and Apologetics.

Resultado de imagen para los primeros Cristianos . whacthower
The  just and Sincere Studies  of the Sacred Scirptures in the Holys Studies  of the Manuscriptes   Leads  Us  to Christ  leads  Us to christ  and the Just and Eternals Vision  of the Salavation   its is Christ  the Truth and the love  in the Holy and Divines Scriptures.
in All the Fiath history of the Holys Martyrs . and the Men just .
Imagenin the Researchvs Biblicals Divine . in the formals Declaration . of the times . in the firts Conmunitys Christians. in the values to  the Sacred Scriptures.  who Suffer Martiriuos . and the Greater Acts of Proscription by love to christ. in the just Letters and Gospels . in the love to the Scriptures. and the texts Divine.
in the history and life Apostolicals . in the Adgnegated love and justice  by christ.
in the Nexts  longs Generation the just Apostles Death in the love to Christ . in the historicy of the times . and the Sucesstion Apostolicals  in the vision of the life Christian . in the Truth Divine. in the Manuscriptes in the Center than is Christ. 


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