The Vision Antrophologycal Biblicals . in the Levels of the Archeology

ImagenThe Antro-Phology  is the investtigation Biblicals . Repherentials in the Order Studies. Extra Historials in the His Major Sources . in the Investtigation Historials and Biblicals . in the II Great Aspect  the 1A .in the Documents Biblicals . in the Exploration  Olds in the Archeology and Vision Exploratory Biblicals .
2 .B the Document Mores Importands in the Biblicals Vision in the Order Exploratorys. in the lands Not only the isreal and the part of palestinian. in the Documents Scientific . Extra  historial . if not others types . 3 C in levels Exploratorys in Archeology . Biblicals . in the Documents  in Perspectives Theologals and  Specials in the Order of the Biblicals study  Achademicals . and Point Visual in the Special Formation . of the Parages and the texts,
in the vision Educative and formals in the Studies Achademicals in the Mission Apologetics. and Recurses Biblicals Originals . 


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