Pastoral Theology.

In Times of the Firts Pre- Christians Parents . in the Zones . and Districs of Isreal and part of the Acients  City Jerusalem . in the territories . Occupied . by others Tribues . Only isreal in times . Pre -Textamentarys . Occupied on Assignatures .  take Care of the  Sheep  Away From of others .  Meadows   inthe Whatchings  Model Divine in the Today pastor in Humble Vocation Christians. in the values Spiritual and the Values Vocationals .

IsChrits the Signal Apologetics of the Faithfulls  and True pastor .
inthe Values to the defences of Fields Biblicals. the Nights and longs Continued Days the Pastor just .  hi Strives.  to  love   and direct to his Sheeps  in the Small Apriscos of Stone
of the others Types of Animals Fierces  that Worlds Naturals Know. in the Studies to ours just respect of the Scriptures.
in the True Line of Christ the Lord. and Saviuor
Note Similliarto these Illustrationin based Archeo Antropology . that views inViewsHeres.
Imagenthe just Pastor  Searchs .  ad Helps to his Sheeps. in the Possition definited to Ours Lord and saviuor Jesus Christ in the Scriptures.
the Pastor in times Pre -textamentarys and New  textamentarys . theys Searchs to the Sheeps . and not  Were Hostiles  to them.
Existences on Note of the just Archeologues Presbhisterian . and Reformate the Dr and Sir Alfred Einderhens
in when to The Really Mission Apologist  of These Pastors. in vision similliars to Christ .the lord
in All the times. to ours Present Days.


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