The Christians Vocation in the Values of ours Firts Parents . News Weeks Present Study I Part

Imagen relacionadaThe Firts Centurys . and Ours Centuries   Occupy Similliar Activities  in the Mission of the Firts Christians Parents 
in the Activity of the Studies in the Firts Conmunitys . and the Faithfulls  Theachings   Respect to Christ Ours lord .
in The Times Conmemoratives . the Firts  Faith Christians is Christ in the Resurrection  . and the values . in the True Christian in the Scriptures . and the Biblicals  Order  of the Generations . 
in Honors to Christ.
Imagenin the III Present Centuries . and the Salvation by Medie of the Faith . and Great Hope Divine . in the Majors Example of ours lord Jesus Christ.
in the Generations . of the Firts Century and the Generation of Thuosands of Just Christians today . in ours Present Day.
in the Values to the Menssage Centrals in the firts III Centurys  in the Nexts values to the Mores Highs Theologals Vocations. 


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