The Importand and Seriuos Paper of the Holy Manuscriptes.Papyrus P.86

Imagen relacionadaThe Bible  Sudject to Higth Hebrew Lenguages  and Part of the Aramaics  in the Pre -Textamentarys Period in the Koine Classic
the Maternal Greek  and Exactly  What Was  Spoken  in the Period of the  Great Alexander Magnus
The Romen  Empire.
in the Importand Levels . in the Studys  Apologetics  in the Values to the Manuscriptes Inspirateds 
in the Theology and the Study in Direction to Canon. of the Scriptures.
that in his Values . to those Period . Pre -textamentarys and New textamentarys . in the manuscriptes in theirs Divine Sources. and Apologetics thematics.
in Sources . Exactlys.
ImagenNotethese is on Seriuo Fragment Importand is the Defhinited Papyrus .in the Maternal Greek koine P.86 those is on Importand Papyrus in the Formate of Lexical Koine . in the exactly Formation Inspirated in Copys of the Biblicals  Manuscriptes 
in his exposed . discoverys . points . in theirs maternal Lexicals . to others Paypyrus . in others Places of European  and others Parts
in the Holy People of  Irland Dublin  today part of the United Kingdom
the P .86 is on Papyrus in Seriuos copys of Study Based in the Gospel in the Koine Classic in views Here Share.
The Canon  is Importand . in his Order and dicipline  and theirs Levels. Hermeneutics. in the Apologetics Central in ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Chrits . in All the just times. to ours Present Days in the Values to the inspirated textuals 


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