The Scriptures Sources Exactlys in the true of the Canon.

The Inspirated  Lines in the Scriptures . Occupied on of the Factor Mores Importands in the Reformers Not Only in the  longs 500 years . if not in All the Times Respect To Christ.
and the Investtigation . Biblicals . Exposed the Character Reforms 
in the Vision of All the Eges , to ours History Present. in the Canon . and the Study Divine . is ours Vocation . in  Record  All the Scriptures. in the Vision just of the Times.
the Bible is  the Model of Values and Love . that Today All Generations . love.
in the values Eternals to christ.
and in his Model Royal Apologetics by Longs Centurys . in the firts Comunitys Hebrews  untils the Firts   Christians  Parents  in The Periods and longs Generations .
in Christ
ours Lord and Saviuor. and the True of the  Divine  Study .  in the  Insigne   Vision in the Conciencies.
Christ is the Theme of the Scriptures . in the Representation of the Eternal Father YHWH and the just and Divine Direction of the  Holy Spirit.
in the Scriptures.and Adnegated  Values to Shes.  in the  texts and the Books. in his Order and Studies.
and theirs  Divines  Manuscriptes.
in the Eternal Pages in the Time.
the Scriptures Not only depart  to on Insolict Aisllated Fragments in the time is the Word in the Authority Divine.
is Warnings. the World  his justice  and Mercy  and Also  his Judgments  to  All  the Humanity  by Elections to the Redention and salvation in ours Lord Jesus Christ Thimothy II Letter of Apostle Saint Paul  to his  Spirituals  Son 
Adoptive  Chapter 3 v16  to the longs  III  Centuries. in the Chracter and the Values to the Scriptures  toours Today Young Generations. Present 


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