The Trueth in the Historials Fields in the Bible

When the Dr and  Ex-  JHS Priest   Albert Rivera Romero Inmemorials Reformated Christian
Educated in the Highs  Seminars  in the Intruction of the Vatican Monasterials.
in Rome and Spain  in the Longs Days of the Generals Franco
in his  Inmemorials   Remenberings   in the Vision Ekumenicals of the Times . and the  Reason of the Eclesiaticals  History
in the Generation of  all the times.  in his years of Study Untils  his Death  in 1997 in the Ilustrurios City of the High   today States of Oklahoma.
in the Nexts  Secret Pages  to the Theologys  of the Order JHS . Gubernamentals 
in the Perspectives of the Sacred Study and   Eclesiaticals  Education  
in the Royal Perspective of the History Sacra. 
in theirs originals Events . in the Reflextion to the Today Great Apostacies , Eclesiastics. in his Respectives Order, 

In the Rulers Inmemorials and  the  History  and Sources  . in his Best Perspicazy. in the  Fields  of the Order JHS 

In the Nexts Longs Periods . Papals . between II Greats Popes. the Firts . 1  Call  Saint Paul XUVI and II Ilustruriuos Pope Jhon XVIII  in theirs . Past Vocation in the last times. 
to his Just Christian Convertion . in 1967 -1997  
and the Legady to ours Present Days . in the Centurie XXI.  
in the Firts vaticans Archives. in the Apologetics Christian of the Today Incover Apostacies . in All the Interconfetions. in the Actuals Times. Present.
in the Others postured to theirs Theologals Levels . in the Theirs Points Ekumenikals . in the Studie of the Sacred  Manuscriptes  of the Order in the Reformer Eclesiaticals . in Luther and Others Parents Nexts waldo Peter . Jhon Wicleffs and the Ilustruriuos Dr Jhon Huss. and the Sir and Reverent Willian Tyndale. in the discovery . of the Mores Importand True  in the different Deny of Rome and Others Organizations. in Line .and Study in theirs Postured Pseudo-Christians . in the Apologetical . in Christ the Lord.
in the Direct and Faithfulls Respons  of the Scriptures . in the Honor of the times. and Conciencies  to ours Today Present Days.
in the True of the Character Globals.  in  the Theology. and Bible. in the Character of the Times. 


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