Illustruriuos Men who loved the Formations of the Sacred Scriptures Thourgth Study and the Time.

An Ilustruriuos Man  and the Most Importands in the Modern Eges  it Was   the Sir President Abraham Linconlds 1809 -1865 April Moon

in the longs Illustruriuos Republicans Times.  and Excellent Person.   and a  Great Man of  Faith
Who   was  Afraid  of the Lord  God 
and the Holy Manuscripts

The Illustruriuos Sir President Abraham Linconlds  He Andresssed   the United States of America.  in the Illustruriuos Wisdom
Althuogh  in his  Time  Some Not  Understhands  it  the Bible was Reason for its Model and Concordance . 
Freedoms  yuor Conciencies. and the Curages and love by the Humbles Slaves .  his love and Vocation 
Spiritual . and Republicans. in the Vision of the Highs Manuscriptes Sacred.

the Valuer and Love by the  Holy Manuscriptes  Allowed  the Sir President Linconld  toMake Seriuos Reformers . its  Incalculable Valuer.
in Times of Great Comflicts . and  Disidences.
the Sacred Scripture by the Sir President  it was his Divine Guide . and the Freedooms  Between the just Slaves .

theys incluyings Women and Childrens . in Formations .and Freedooms
The Holys vocation of the Illustruriuos  Sir President Linconlds Not only was  to be an Inmemorials Sir President . if not the vocation of Valuer . in Direction to America in the respect and justice  in the Acts of the Generation of the Times a ours Mores Great Vision . and justice.
Every Moornings  the Sir President Linconld  Read  aporcion of the Scriptures .  to gether to his Litlee Son .
and his prayings to America and Others Pleaces . in Perfect union to his  wife


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