Saint Atanaciuos in the Just Reason Christian . of today Society Future Anonimus Pseudo Christians. III Overtured and Studie. Apologetics.

The Healthy Doctrine . in All the Times  and Conciencies Part of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ. and in the Golden Century III the Dr and Apologistics Saint Atanaciuos Knewn  those Great  Challenges   and the Present  and futures Incurtions .  of Controvertials Theses .  and Hypoteses  Anti christians
in times of the past . Eclesiaticals .  in the Defences of the Faith . in the Generation Acients
of the Factor Anti Christianithy  .  today . in the Levels    Spiritual and  Schollars  in the Studies Apologetics of the Sacred Manuscript Divine.
in the Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ .

Excluided by the Error Arriano in All the Times . and ours Futures Days .  in  the Sacred Mission Apologetics in the Eges of the history Conmon. and Eclesiaticals.
the Arrianism Not is on Healthy Doctrine Christian  in the valuers of the Eges . and Navers . opted by the Sacred Relation to Christ. the Lord and Saviuor
Resultado de imagen para atanasio de alejandriathe just Parent Illustruriuos Reformateds Theys Love the Valuers to the Sacred Scripture in the Same justice that the Firts just Parents Primitives . in the I and  II to  III Centuries  D.E.C in the just Pugned of the conciencies Christian and the Healthy and trueth Doctrine in the Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ.

in the vocation Christian . in the true Apologetics . just. in the Researchvs of the canon . Biblicals . in the Healthy Conciencies Christians .
the Society Anonimus . Not Part of the Christianithy . and the Vocation . Between the Doctrine Christians in the Valuers of the Scriptures .

the vocation Christian of the  Faith  this in the Lord Jesus Christ and their  Ministerials . Missing  in the Christian Factor Apologetics in ours Times . in the defence of the History Biblicals . and the Origings Apologetics . in the Conciencies just of the Sacred Manuscripte Inspirated and  Divine.   
in Honors and respect to Scriptures . in the Perspicazy of the Study Divine . Based in the Lord Jesus Christ in Eartly times. and ours today Defence in Present Days .
Nota  Achademicals  and Studie  in the lost Days of Saint Atanaciuos .

the Arains theys Divided Rome intro of Others Sinceres and just Christians   they Created Cruel Wars and Seriuos  Contradiction and Coolds Divition . Sectarians.   and Heretically Gruops Pseudo-Religiuos. in the Annals of the History Eclesiaticals . intro  of the  Great Heresies  . in the Reguisters of theHistory . of  the Humanity . to ours Days Present. in the Century XXI.


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