The Geater Pemsun Of the Scriptures of Achademic Researchvs.
The Achademics Importand Search of the Manuscriptes . is the Vision Mores Extrordinary in the Funtion . of the Scriptures . and the Valuers in the Formations . in the Archives Biblicals and Copys Mores Importand in the Mission Generals of the Mores Greater Sources . Inspirated
in the Exactly canon Biblicals . these Sources is the Manys Great Serach in the Model of Dimentions . and the Studie of Sacred Canon .
the Exactly Vocation in the Generals Vision is the major Sources of the Search in the
Others Copys . Same . in Studies . and Mission vocational of the Canon . Biblicals .in the Expretion Mores Greater of the Book and texts . in Formals Instruction Achademicals . in the Texts . Mores Greatr of the All the history and the Sacred Pemsun Divine .

in the Codig of Olds Textaments .
in the Acient Vocation Theologals . in the Studie and Canon .
the Investtigation sacred in Continiugs Manuscripstes . Divines .
the Investtigation sacred in Continiugs Manuscripstes . Divines .
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