The Importand Vision and Discovery in Line to the Dr Eliah Mazzar Isreal .

The Illustruriuos dr Eliah Mazzar . in the Firts Times  of the these New Century the XXI . She  in the just Conextion to the  Originals History in the year  587  in the Destroy of Jerusalem  by Nabuchodonozer. Magnus  in the Paper and Armony Divine . in the Direct  Concordancies .
and the Best Point Mores Importand in the Mission . Educationals. and Schollar . In the Archeology Divine She in the original Discovery in the Times Inmemorials . in the Point Geo Phisys isreal  in longs Days Inmemorials of the just Profhet Jeremiah. 
in Searchs in the Mission of the Scriptures . and the   Archeologicals  Texts . in theirs Major Sources
Originillity. in the Destroy of the Acient city  Jerusalem . to the New Vision . of All the Times in the Archeology 
the Today Center Controvertial . Not is the 607 A.D,C  if not the Nexts Year in Verifhication Archeologycals . in theirs Really Contexts Divine is the year  Exctly  587 A e C, 
in the point Archeological in the Nexts  Exploratives Studies . Mores Just . in just respect to Others . in their Opinions. in the Illustred Stamp of the Guedalies . in the Times of the Jerusalem of just and Holy Profhet Jeremiah. in these Vertion Exactly Here Share  in line and Writter. in the Films of the National Geografhy Society . in Search of the Types Things , in the Acients City of Jerusalem . in Perspectives . and Levels of Schollars Studies Divine. in theirs Order . in vision Examplar Here Share  to So Most Peoples . in the events of the Bible in the Seriuos Point of the just Dr Eleah Mazzar . in theSpiritual  Evidencies.  and  the Models Acients in the Point and Perspicazy Biblicals to ours Eyes . and the Notories  Investtigation Social in the Archeoology Divine. 


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