The Oral Transmission of the Texts in the Holys Manuscriptes of the Elders Study Global Firts Day of the Week.

Imagen relacionadaThe Transmission Oral of the Acients texts . in the Firts . Pre -Christianitys Eges  A.D.C and  D.E.C  and the Times of the New Textaments .
God in the   Inspiration Divine and the Mind of the Firts Saint  Writers  Divines. in the Assignature of  the Holy Spirit  E Inspiration.

in the Order Divine . in the Most Importand Vocation . in  All the inmemorials Times the Scriptures in his Best Vision and Assignatured Divine . in the Order of the Olds Papyrus and  theirs Pages in the Originals Historicy . in The Importand  factor Inspirated . and Divine . in the Word of Greek Koine Called {Insuflo}  God Directed.  the Holy Scriptures  to theirs Minds . Inspirated  in the Transmission Not Only Oral if Not Mental . to ours Today Model in the Order Scriptures and texts . e Historicy . Inspirated.  Model.

Imagen relacionadaintry the 40 Men . Known . in the Order of the Firts Scriptures Hebrew and Great part of the Lenguages Arameics and the Sacred Texts Greek Originals . in the Importand Points . Inspirated.
in the Possition and the Order . Divine.

in the Direction Divine . in the Center of the history in Texts . and the Studie Divine of the Manuscriptes . Inspirtaed in the Order Divine . in the Greek  {Parakletus}
Note in Times Inmemorial isreal . Known  this Transmission . and the Voice of Lord God to Just Parent Pre Christianitys in Longs Generations. to the Besfore Manuscriptes . in the Transmition Orals. of the Events . and Acts . in the texts Divine . in the Based Divine.
in the Sacred Texts Hebrew is {Elohin }

in the Praxys Divine of the just Known in Times inmemorials . in the Best Sources . Divine . and the Exactly Mission . of   the Faith  in the Example of the times when on Eminents Secretary . Recive the Textuals of yuor Boss. the Scriptures in theirs Continuings Study and Transmission Oral . in the Perspicazy . and Order Divine . in the Holy Spirit. between the just Men Inspirated Not
if they Not did not Known Neither Moses  and David King  in the  Inclution of  the Holys Profhets  in the Different Longs  Period  of Times  in the True historicy of the Exactly Manuscriptes and today Alternatives  Copys. in theirs Activity. and the Example Divine in the Study Theologals . . II Letter  of the Apostle Paul to  their Spiritual Son  Thimothy Chapter 3 v -16


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