The Sacred Scriptures . Nevers was Bruogth By the Mind of Any Man if Not by the Holy Spirit. II Letter of Apostle Peter Chapter 1 -v 21

The Expretion Originals in the Koine and the Maternal Texts Greek  in the Expretion Linguisticals . {Paraklettus }   is in the Nexts Ousttantings. Point in Comon Lexicals . in the Line Theologals Inspirated . Called . in the Originals Allternatives Copys . as  Nexts  Exprettions

in the Contex and the Manuscriptes .
in the Word and Lexicon in the Nexts Formals Expretion to ours Lenguages Englisth Vertion and Spanisth Vertion . Mediator  e Intercesor in the Line of the Manuscripte Divine . and Inspirated. in the Illustred Vertion Originals in the Classic Koine.
of the Greek Lenguages .

in the Faithfull Contexts Divine in the just Studies of the Sacred Manuscriptes .in the Possition Apologetics Divine . in Based to Declaration Formals Inspirated in the Vertions Acients . in the {Palos} Old Textament and the New textaments . in the Order Christian . in Defence of the Scriptures  and the Divine Formation ofthe Studie in Healthy Conciencies . in Mores of Longs III Centuries the Bible  in Theirs Majosr Studies . Apologetic . Not only in Times of the Firts Comunitys Christians If not Others Present and Continuings  times
Resultado de imagen para salvacion solo por la fe escuela sabatica
the Manuscriptes in Theirs Expretion Correct and Translation Biblicals . Exponed Character Importands in the Vision of the Times . to Theirs Major Legady the Lord Jesus Christ.

and the Mores Greaters Declaration Inspirated in the Centurys . in the Translation of the texts Greek .
in the firts Century in Jerusalem and Great part of Rome  in Medie of Letters Inspirtaed thejust Apostles Christain Peter Advertice by medie of the Divine inspiration . the Importand that the Contexts Divine . is Guide in the Order Divine in All the Times . not by Men if not in the Valuers to True Eternals . Biblicals Expositive in the  Healthy Theachings  Christian.  


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