The Universitary Pemsun of Turingen Seminary today Illustred Nation of Germany .

in the True Based in Christ . and the Great Paralelles Universitary . in Responces . to the Majors  Postulation . Achademicals . in the Mission Schollar . and the Continuings Mission  and vocation to the Holys  e inspirated Manuscriptes .

Existences a   Importand   Reason  in the Vision of the Studies in the Manuscriptes . the Firts type is the The Bible is the Sources Mores Importand of the True Christian .

 and the Major Thematicals  in the Inspiration . and Concordancies . in Activity Divine.
in the Far Analitys of the High Critics . that  not is  Based in the Direct Inspiration  of the  Canon and Manuscriptes .

by ours Vision how theologue reformated the Bible . is the Holy Word Divine and the Authority of the Times . is the Reason of the All the History Divine and Present and the Mores Great Vocation of the Life . in the justice . and the Study .Conmemorative .
aothers types of Far Sources Not inspirtaed . if not in his declaration Not formal by the Mens .
Resultado de imagen para UNIVERSIDAD DE TUBINGAin the Today Great Seminarys . in idiologies Not Bsed in the Exactly Hermeneuitics of the Canon . and Examinninsg of the Manuscriptes .

in the All the related in Concordancies by the Archeology Biblicals Present in isreal and others Zones Fars of Medie Orients
in Character Actual . 
the Mission is the Mores Importand in the Actual defence of the Apologetics Christian in the High Critic . 

all the Manuscriptes . Exponed to Christ . and the Divinity . theys Exponed the valuers . Sacred of the Life in times Acient of  the Old Textament . in the Vision Divine .  
and the Armony of the archeology Divine in the Studie and Mission Biblicals . in the Actuallity. in the Armony of New Textamentary  in the Study Schollar Divine.


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