The Extra Textamentary Testimony and the Contexts New -Textamentary II Part Overtured and Studies
And the Sources Historials in the Concordancies and Studies . in the New Textaments . and the
Testimony of the Historian . in the Perspectives . Extra -Biblicals . in Joshepus Flaviuos . in the
Canon Mores Importands of the Historicitys . and the Life Publics Imperials . in the Concordances of the New Textaments. in the Christian Perspectives of all the Times Inmemorials
Joshepus is on just Historian . and in theirs Times on Great Man in the Mission of Wars . intros of the Great Comflicts Hebrew romen . in the Firts Centuries D.E,C
in the Context Geo -Politics . is on of the Mores Importand Chroniclers . in the Vision of the Jerusalem in the Firts Century . and theirs Nexts Territories and districs. in the Formation Theologals on Great Student and Schollar Experts in the Manuscriptes Acients . in Jerusalem . and Palestinian in times of the Vespancianus . in the Future Mission Imperials in This Great Zones of Palenian . in Times . of the Wars Hebrew Romens. in ours Blogger the Events of the Biblie . is Christ the Best Protagonist and Antagonist . in Times . of the Firts . christians and the wars . Intry Hebrews and Romen . in those Great and Illustruriuos Territories and Zones .
and the Concordancies of the History New Textamentary . to the Vision . Today inspirated in the Thematicals Biblicals .
in the Order of the Manuscriptes and the Apologetic in the Seriuos Defence to Christ the lord and Saviuor in All the Times .
in the Spring of the year 70 D.EC Jerusalem is destroy . and the Perspective Prophechy is just to the Eyes . of All the Times . in the Manuscriptes . is in Moon of August in the Activity Sacred Pascual . in the Jerusalem . in the Vision of the Just historian Joshepus Flaviuos Ben Mattatiayu .
and What this Represent Not only by the Emperor Vespancianus . if Not for its Inhabithants in jerusalem . and in All the Romen Imperium
and the Concordancies of the History New Textamentary . to the Vision . Today inspirated in the Thematicals Biblicals .
in the Order of the Manuscriptes and the Apologetic in the Seriuos Defence to Christ the lord and Saviuor in All the Times .
and What this Represent Not only by the Emperor Vespancianus . if Not for its Inhabithants in jerusalem . and in All the Romen Imperium
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