The Gospel Koptvs Ghonsis in Studies . of the Texts . in Nangahadi Egypt II Wars of the worlds

Gospels . of Coptvs. Biblicals . and by the Phaleo Archeology Order and the Sacred order in the Areas Geo -Politics of Egypt . today in the Medie Orient
to the vision of the Most Importands Studies in All the history . of the Highs Studies Divine. and Biblisticals . Repherencies . to the Vision Phaleo Archeology and the Possition . of the Studies in Theology . Biblicals Expositives
in the PH Universitary Theologals in the Biblicals Mission of the Contexts Divines . in the Zones of isreal . Beyonds Egypt. in the vocation in this Importand manuscriptes to the Revition in the Studies Universitary and experts in the Fields Extra Biblicals . in the Continiungs Researchs , in the History of Thomas {Didimus ...} in the Oustanting Greek of the lenguage Koine his Name is . Known twins in the Logias of his Vertion . Excatly in the Texts . in Studies . Importands . in the Biblicals Enlaces . Textuallitys.
in the Revision Textuallity . in the Extra Canonicals Gospel . Not Inspirated if Not how on the Reguister Expository . Historials . in theirs Contexts . and Perspectives. in 1945 is the Most Importand Year in the history of the Studie Extra . Historial Textamentary . in the Alfhabetus of Greek in the lenguage Koptvs.
in Egypt in the Bibliticals Achademicals . in the Studie Sacred . and Insignity in 114 logies . in the Significated in ours lenguage Enghlist and Sphanish and portugueis and freach is Said . in the texts Greek . Koine. Besfore of the years 50 D.E C
And in the Beyonds times of the Century II in the Order of the Mixture Greek Koine and Egyptians. Verbs, In the Apocrifus Controvertials. in the Actives Studies Theologycals in the Order Extra Biblicals . in ours Actuals Present times . and Not is Same to the IV Gospel. Judas Thomas. in the Others Composed tham this in the Just Gospel of Lucke . and Jhon. in the rulers of his Order. textuallity Apologetics. in theirs Composed. Biblicals . in ours Conciencies Christian to christ. the lord. and Saviuor.
in the Revision Textuallity . in the Extra Canonicals Gospel . Not Inspirated if Not how on the Reguister Expository . Historials . in theirs Contexts . and Perspectives. in 1945 is the Most Importand Year in the history of the Studie Extra . Historial Textamentary . in the Alfhabetus of Greek in the lenguage Koptvs.

And in the Beyonds times of the Century II in the Order of the Mixture Greek Koine and Egyptians. Verbs, In the Apocrifus Controvertials. in the Actives Studies Theologycals in the Order Extra Biblicals . in ours Actuals Present times . and Not is Same to the IV Gospel. Judas Thomas. in the Others Composed tham this in the Just Gospel of Lucke . and Jhon. in the rulers of his Order. textuallity Apologetics. in theirs Composed. Biblicals . in ours Conciencies Christian to christ. the lord. and Saviuor.
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