The Sources Texts of the Bible and Apologetics Order Divine. SEMISUD Spetials Day

Un hombre copiando un manuscrito de la BibliaThe Educational and Themes  is the Suorces and Biblicals Recurces in the  Theologals   Paper   in the Contexts Universitary and  Sacred

In the Continuings Investtigation . of the Studies in the Thematicals Biblicals . in the Expert Phaleo Biblicals Suorces Sacred . in the Vision . of the texts and his Contexts Divine . in the Education Achademicals Biblicals . 

the  Seminary  SEMISUD  in his Mission Christian . is on the Mores Importand Recurcess in the Achademicals Suorces Biblicals in the Investtigation in the the Vision . of the Points Biblicals . and Oustatings . Contexts Divine . in the Order and Dicipline  of the Sacred Mission Importand in the 
Researchvs Biblicals in the Models . of others Suorces . in the Study Archeo- Phaleografhy.  in theirs Longs Experiencies in the  Achademicals  factor  of the Sacred Scriptures . in the Order Christian . and the Originals . Works  in the Perspective Theologals . 

in the Reformation and Studies . Importand in Based to the Sacred Scriptures . and His Contexts . Divine.
in the Order of manuscripte in the Dicipline of the Study Livings in ours Lord and saviuor Jesus Christ Suorces Importand of the True Present Christian in the Scriptures .

to theys ours Most Sinceres  Work of love and Faith Christian . in the True in ours Lord and saviuor Jesus Christ. of part of Jhon Knox instituted in Theology and Apologetics in ours City Barranquilla Colombia.

in the Best Model of Love and Christian Formation . Reformated. in the just Valuer to the  Holys Manuscriptes . and Stimuled to the Seminary SemiSud . thanks . in ours Best and Sinceres Education  to SEMISUD Ibero America. and rest of European and North America Today . 


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