The Temple and The Signs and Imagenes Allowed by Divine Order Studie and Overture Biblicals .

In the Inmemorials Times  Acients of the Santuary .  in the Order Divine  of The Lord God YHWH
and the Obediencies Divine of the portatils  House   in the Direcction of the Lord God .
to isreal .
the temple . in ours Nexts Studie in this Nexts Afthermoon Hours . in the Biblistical Study inthe Olds Textament . Respect to the Signs Sacred  in the Temple . in the Order of the Santaury . and the Order of the Lord God . Not only to Moses if Not in the Nexts Generation . in the Kings of isreal . Solomon 
the Imagens  and Signs was on long Prototype Holy  of the Lord Jesus Christ . in Times . of the Acient . perspectives  and Representation    in the Studie of the New Textamentary .Suorces

in the Royal House Holy of the Lord God to isreal in Times Inmemorials.
in the Firts Eges isreal part of the Firts Santuary . in the face of the Earth . this Importand Santuary is on Prototype Spiritual of the Christ .

in the News Textaments and By longs Generations  to the Biblicals  Perspective  and on Signs Sacred in the Prototype of Christ.  the Lord and Saviuor . in the justice Eternal in the Word Greek of the Koine Called {Jristos ..}   and  Hebrew  Arameics  {Mesiajh..}   in the Biblicals Possition . in the Studies of the Manuscriptes .

in the theaching of the Studie  Theologals by Generation . in the Major Evidencies Christians
the Temple in theirs Order Theocratics . if . was on Temple in Imagenes . sacred  by the Order Divine . but Those Imagene Never . was to on Service of Adoration by the just Priest  in his Just and Sacred Service . intro of the Temple . and his Assignatures  in the Order of the times in Direction of the Lord God .

in the Studie Holy and inspirated to the Lights of the Bible. and the testimony Divine . in the Scriptures. and the Order Theologals in the Studies of the Manuscriptes Holys .  in the Schollar Perspectives inspired Biblicals .
God Dewelt in the Eternal times  Between isreal  the holy things   there  in the center  between Cheruds Enameled in  Gold  the Light Eternals  in the Phisyscals  he looked  like   a Backup  to his twons  in the Matternal Lenguage Hebrews   it was Called  {Shekinah..}    tham Mean Present Phisycal  in the Scriptures Sacred and the Holy manuscriptes Biblicals . and Eternal .to ours Reading Personal and ours Eyes . inthe Holy Studie of the manuscriptes Sacred 


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