The Testimony in the Imperial house of the flaviuos in Rome Joshepus . Ben Mattiayu Studie in the firts Day of the Week

When the Great Emperor Vespancianus was on Single Man of Wars in the testimony of the historian Joshepus Flaviuos . in on Only Nights joshefus Flaviuos .  and Thanken to the Illustruriuso Person of the Future Mission 
 and the Dream  Divine  in Where Vespancian .  he triumpeh  in the Greater Rome Imperials .  as Emperor  Maximus he and his  All  the  House 

While in Jerusalem  in the Territorys .  of 
Jopata.  today in the  limited territorial of  Acient Territorial Zones Hebrom and Palestinian.

Joshepus is on Importand is a Celote Conmander.  of the Forces in the Rebelion Hebrew . Againts  Rome  After tellings  yuor Dreams.  Emperor Vespancian   was Named  the Followings .  Year Emperor Maximus  of Rome  and on year later  his Son Titus Vespancianus . 
When Vespancian . he fullfilled  his Dreams,   Privileged to Joshepus .  by  his Divine Dreams.  and Memories .  in Livings .  and Being Free a as Adoption  of a Romen Citizents  to  33 year 
Old Eges Joshepus  is the Majors Visionary of the history Extra -Textamentary . and Death  in the  Nexts Years 100-to 101 D.E.C 

Resultado de imagen para Soldado romanohe Writters in the Greek  Koine  and Part in Latin . and knew the Germanus Lenguages .and lenguage natal Hebrew and Aramaics  in on Great Inttellectual . and Major historian . in the firts I Century .  in the 25 year Joshepus . on Ex-Phariceus in the Major Theologal Doctrine . Hebrew . in the linage of His Parents  Mattatiayu   on just Priest . in Jerusalem . D.E.C   HIS Phater  the Related the history of the Lord Jesus Christ  when  the Firts Christian . Beginings . his Great Ministery . in jerusalem .  and on Brave Schollar  of the Scriptures . 
Note joshepus descripved the Great Comflict of Masada   in the year 79 D.E.C

the Horribly Death of Herodez Antipartus . by the Order of the Cesar Galigula . and others testimonys  Reallys intry the just Apostles . in the Related of the times in the Greater History Extra Textamentary and the Chronicals  in the past . of Isreal. and Palestinian.
Note in the Period of the I  Century  Existed  IV  Sectarian Systems  the Phariceus . Herodianus Saduceus . and  Scribanus  Eceniuos . far in the Deep Dessert of isreal and part of  the Zones  in Limiteds of   Palestinian. Anno Domini 29 A.d.c and  D,E.C  in times of Agustus Cesar  and Tiberium Gracus .  and the descripved the Mores Greater Destroy in jerusalem . in the years 70 D.E.C  and on Personal Ocullars Wistnesess 


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