Central Apologetica in the Lord Jesus Christ. Semisud Ibero America . jhon knox . To North America

Pablo predicando a los miembros destacados del judaísmo en Roma mientras está encadenado a un soldado. La ruta de Pablo desde Cesarea a RomaThe inspirated  Universal  Letters   Exponed  to the lord Jesus Christ in the Acts Ministerial Apostolicles  in  the Greek  Koine  {Apostolos }  in the  Biblicals Sources . New Textamentrays . in the past . this is on Sources Importands in the Manuscriptes . inspirated . 

in Special . the testimony . of the All the Eges is ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus christ. in the ministery Apostilcals . in the Knowedlege  of christ the lord and saviuor .
to the Biblicals Mission  direct to the Canon .
Originals . of the Copys in the Continuings Manuscriptes . Divines.
Imagenin the Firts Century . D.E.C
and the christian conciencies to the Life Ministerial .  Missional
in the chracteristical . of the True Faith in ours Lord Jesus christ .  in the III firts Centuries in the Missionals  Acts  Apostolicles .
Bettewen  Jerusalem and Great Nexts part of  palestine and the Great Romen Empire.   and the insolated  Zones of Asian Minor to circa.  the Gospel in the lord Jesus Christ is the Model Mores importand in the faith full True Eternals . in the Valuers to the Greater Comission Christian in the  Gentils  Worlds  Not in praxys of the Manuscriptes . if not of the True and the true Knoweledge   to the lord Jesus Christ .
the Apostles pual was in  Spiritual vocation  on {Epyskopus} . in the Greek Koine on Super -intendents Ministerial . in times . New textamentary . and On true Apostolos . in Divine Instrucction and conmission By christ . the Word Epyscopus . is Pastor Ministerial .in Assigantured. by Order of christ. 


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