The Greek and Hebrew and aramaics in the Studie and Mission Apologeticals.

Antioco Ephifanes in the Eges in that the Helenisticals Greeks  Conquister to the Distric of isreal in the Battles intry the Machabeos . and Hebrews and Greeks in the Translated hebrew the Men of Hammers-Machabeos .

the Manys Greater Formation Idiomaticals . Greek . in his Culture . and Passing  was the Lenguage Koine . the Poblation Hebrews in theirs times  Theachings the Koine . in the Order and remenbering the Great Alexander . Magnus . in jerusalem .

and his Adaptation . in the Major Possition of Lenguages . by Order Gubernamentals . in the Mission Greek in the Battles in the Acient Medie Orients .

in the lexicals Greek and Alexadrie . by Order of Antiocus Ephifaniuos . . in the translated and Vertion Greek is Known in his Name How the crazy . . in the formation Linguisticals  in the Education Obligatory of the Greek Idiomatic and Lenguage Called the Koine. Classic.

in the Texts Not Inspirated if Not Historial of the Machabeos . in the Undertandings of his postured and Lenguages to the Inmemorail Culture Hebrew. in jerusalem . e isreal . in Times of the Inmemorail past. the Greek was the major importand Lenguage secullar  in Similliar Postured  how is the Englisth vertion and the Occidental Worlds 
in the Jerusalem in Times Biblicals . and isreal in the  Past  Inmemorial
to ours Present Days . and the Acient Days Conmemoratives . ADE C  and  D E.C   in times of the Holy Ministery of the Lord Jesus Christ the Romen Empire in theirs II Great Expretion . the Firts Greek and the II  Latin. Comon

Note Schollar and part of the Expretion and Scripture Greek in the Expartion to Others Nation the Just People Hebrew Knewn Others Model in Search Exploratory in the Vision Biblicals and Educationals. in the texts Greek Called the Codice Alexandrine . in the Order sacred Textamentary of the Koine Classic.


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