The Manys importand Jewel Divine the Texts of the Hebrews . Firts Day of the week and News Weeks

Jerusalem . Anno Domini . in the Mission  and Greater  Respective  Conmission in the just Apostle Paul in Rome . Italy in Conmemoratives   Times  the Manuscriptes of the texts of Hebrews .in the respective Anno Domini 63 -to  64 D.E C to the Comunity Hebrew  Jewist   Christian  in Times . in the Governament of Cluadiuos Cesear Nero. here the just e inspirated Manuscriptes in the Guide Divine . to the texts of the Hebrews . in the Healthy Theology Based in Christ is the Jewel Manys Importand of the   Christian  Eges Apostolicles . in the New Canon Anexus to the Letter of the Paul to the Others Peoples . in Christ.

in the Firts Types to ours Salvation to christ the Lord and Saviuor.

the texts ofthe Hebrews is the Firts Holy reguister . in the Universal Letters in the Deep formation
Theologal in the just Apostles paul to the Comunity Hebrew Christian . in the I Century  in his Conmemorative Ministery . to the   Nation Isreal  and in Special  to the Illustred  People Hebrew that Not Undertanding the types of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Apologeticals . Representated in ours Lord Jesus Christ. in the Eternals Testimony   of  Faith .

to the Hebrew was on great Comunity in  Expartions   by Everyhtihg the Area Geo-politic of the Rome and Alexandrie in Times . of Claudio Nero Cesear .

Pablo rodeado de soldadosand in Times . in the the Legiuons of Galba . was in his Expartion . to the fars Britanium . and the Great part  of  Rumania.   today European of  the West .

And in  when to Vespancian . and his  Son Titus only was on Single Leguionary Invictus .  Besfored of his Aceptation . to the Royal Romen Empire. in his Future Formation Imperial . in Rome incluyings his Son Titus and Dominitianus . the Book and Manuscriptes of Hebrews is on Deep Letters Theologicans in the Sources Christian  Mores Importand . in the Times Apostolicles . the Historian Joshefus Flaviuos Was of Ones 28   years . in the Instrucction Hebrew. and Saint Paul was on Olds Man  in the Major Eges .  To the Order of his Death by   Emperator  Nero.   and his Injust Decapitation .  in Rome. and ones 34 years Laters  of the Horribly Destroy by jerusalem and TheTemple in the Order of Vespancianus  Titus. 


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