The Sources Expo-Biblicals . in theTexts and Schollar Mission Educative Jhon Knox and Semisud

The Manys Importand Texts Historial Divne is the Manuscriptes in the IV Gospel . in the Exploration Biblicals Elementary . and the Exposition of the Originals Recurcess Sacred   in the Inspired  Manuscriptes Textuals

in the Mission and oustating Point in the Vision of the Scriptures and the Acients Characters  in the Studie Apologetic in the Jhon Knox  and in Spetial the Semisud Studies internatiuonal . in the Biblicals Education . in the Suorces Historial . and Conservation of the Manuscripte in Defence Apologetics . in the Mission Christian Reformates, in the Studies and Paper of the Holy Manuscripe Divine in ours Hands .

the Mission of Semisud is on Mission Importand in the valuers of the Manuscriptes Biblicals . and the Pedagogy Divine in the Theachings in Healthy Conciencies Christian in Direction Original Theologals . in the Reformation of the texts Sacred and Divine . in theStudy in the Biblicals Schollar Class vocational
in the Perspectives Christian . Originals . in Basis to Studies in the Manuscripyes Hebrew Christian and Greek. in the Direction Apologeticals .

the Jhon Knox in the City of Barranquilla is on the Mores Importand Seminary in the American Standar . in the Compylation of the Studie Apologetics . in the Defence of the Helathy Faith Christian in the Schollar Model Biblicals . in Basis to Investtigation Standars

In the Vision Mores Importand in  Pastoral theology.  Biblicals .
and Expositive . to the Nexts Generations. in Studies . Expo -Biblicals .  Schollars


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