The Vision Educative Special . Day Conmemorative Achademicals . And Ethicals . SEMISUD and Jhon Knox.

The Mores Greater Vision Educative and Pre Educative . in the Paper and  of the Christianithy . is the Ethicals Divine inthe Manuscriptes .

the Study and the Vocation . to the Holys Manuscriptes the  Biblicals  Proyect of the Eges  Achademicals is on of the Mores Importand Suorces Educationals .  is a Very Specials . in the Manuscriptes and the dicipline of the Canon . in the respective degree .
to the Mission in the  and the christian Ethicals.
in the Lord Jesus Christ .

and the Biblicals . comandament . Christ is the Representation of the justice and the Manuscriptes in theirs Ethicals .

and the Vision of the Eernals  Life   long Besfore  the Phariceis Class, in theJerusalem of the I  century   Hand Chairs  of the laws . in the vertion of the torah and the Acient manuscriptes . in the isreal in the Firts Centuries .

the law in the Mind of the lord Jesus Christ . and in Times of the past .   Establiseh in the Ethics of the lord God  in the Divine Person of the Lord Jesus Christ .his Son  was on Answer to the great Hipocresy of the High Phariceis . in the Exageration of the Holy Laws and the Prophets in the isreal . of the Century I. in the 613 laws. in the Formation Moral and Spirituals .

Christ is that Moral  and Ethical Laws. of the Exagerated Yeast  of the IV Religiuos Formation in the Times of the Past in the Holy Ministery Divine in the Lord jesus Christ .

besfore of the Firts Ministery of the Lord Jesus Christ . the Phariceis . was the person Mores . Examplars  and moral mind exactly .But he who was  to Come  was that  laws   of Divine justice. Eternal.
Un fariseo ora en un lugar público, y la gente se detiene a verloin the testimony Historial of the  historian  Hebrew latin Flaviuos  Joshepus  . and  his vision how Ex. menber of the Pharicies in Jerusalem .in theirs Nexts  Related that the Class Phariceis was  very  Exagerated Mind  Squeege. in jerusalem . in the on Vision Political in theocraticals . in his Vocation . intro the Mores importand menber  and  Priets and the Pontificals   Order Hiliels . Anas . Caiffas.   to the Eges . in that Rome Destroy to Jerusalem . 66 to the Nexts Yers 70 Must .of theys  Death . and others .Fugitives and  Slaves . by Rome in their Order. Politicals and Religiuos . in times of the past .

Christ is the Major Example of Valuer Supra Divine in the Eternals Laws to isreal .and to the Christianithy Actual . in the exacthy Moral and the Regusiter Divine and New textamentary to ours Undertading Spirituals.

Manys that Priest Was . Men in Degree Intellectual in the Influencies Hebrew Romen . and mores that these . was Ricks . in his Class Medie . in the Formation of Torah . theys . used to make  Manys Trips. to longs of the Zones Imperials. and was Exagerated mind Yeast  in laws of the lawguislation to  Moses to  just Different of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Note Educative.and Apologeticals. but his religion pride Allowed   Comtenpet   for Others Class  that were Not Relationated   to the temple and the sacricies. Conmemorative .
is the Lord Jesus Christ the eticals Divine of  Kingdom  of the Heavens.  in the Character Eternals . Christian . Today  and  the Eternals  Eges


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