Not Biblicals Doxology Studie Semisud and Jhon Knox 40 years Researvchs in the Guayanas Profhets Falses Jim Jones

Imagen relacionadaGuayanas year of 1978  in the Carter Researchvs  and the Information  PSeudo Religiuos. Sectarians.
in the Guayanes Bristish  in the Person of  the Sir Jim Jones
is Necessary Making on Seriuo Revelation . in this Acts and the  Sucess in the Major Study and Researchvs . Type Religiuos .
and on Seriuo Points .  in  the Importants  perspectives  of Enlaces

1 the Infiltration of the Saint Alliance in this Horribly Acts Inhumans  and Not christian . ¿ why  well the Bible in his Adverticed and Really Known
in the Nexts Types of Secret Alliances  in the Order and Insolate Formation . of the Profhets Falses  in Ecencess Not Relationated to the valor Christian .  in the Known Investtigation Carter  in 1978
in My Nexts Explicings  to North America  and to the Prenss
in the today Century XXI. to Acts Nom Christian . Similliars to the Romen Empire   in the Explendors of theirs Days .
to Differential Religiuon Possition Nevers Christian. in Direction to the Saint Alliance  Secret  in the Sucess e Researchvs Sectarian by the Sir Jim Jones.

Jim Jones Nevers Was on Really Profhets  to the Eyes of the World  in the Prenss and Association Internationals Nevers on just Reformated Christian.
in his Order Ministerials .

in 1978 the Illustred Sir President Carter  Leo Ryan was on just Congress in his Investtigation Formal Never was on Asociated of the CIA .
was on person Digned and un just Christian .  Jones was on Asociated of the Societys and the Order of the Saint Alliances Nom Christian . Never on Comunist  and Rebels   in the Respect to the Humans  Life  by the 914 person intro of theys Mens Womens and  Inocents  childrens
in theirs Falses charismstical Valors
only the Saint Alliance of the Societys PSeudo Religiuos .  Existences in the Higths of Power False Religiuos .
the Dr Rayn Discovery the Really Reason of his Death by Order  to on Revelation in the 1978 in the Guayanas Bristish  in the possition  of that theSir  Jones Nevers Was on Really Pastor  in his Other Face Not Known by this Acts.
and Never on Christ if  Not on False Individued  in Comflict and Comfrotation . in Union to the Saint Alliance PSeudo Religiuos in those Greater Magnicidies in the Country of the island of Guayanas. Bristish.
Note the Sir jim Jones was on Ekumenikals  Student   of the Finate Reverent Pater Divine  in the past
Jones was on Ministerials . Missionery  and on Ocult Pastor  in the Order Ekumenical by the Order of the Saint Secret Alliance  to his Mistery and Activity Nom Christian .
was personalmind Known by the Dr Albert Rivera Ex-JHS  in Extreme Possition. years later of his Convertion and Assasinated in Oklahoma  E.U.A 1997 -2018


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