Studies in the Biblicals Defences Canon e History Semisud and Jhon Knox.

and the love by the Humanity
is Necessary
and just the Healthy Doctrine of the Today Falses System of the Alliances Not Based in the Bible
the valor Christians is
part of the Really Mission Christian . in the Society of the called New Order in the Alliances Falses . in Seriuo Dangerus
to the Secullars Society in the Proposed Not important in the Studies of the Canon.
the Today Proposed is the Destroy of the Healthy Conciencie in the Biblicals Vision Christian in ours Hearts
ours just Proposed is . the Apologetic and Biblicals defence in on Healthy Conciencie .
and the Preventions . of this Causes . by the Falses societys . and Alliances Secret .
in the Christians vision Reformated
and the defences of Christ .
of the false Alliances. not Based in the Christianity Model in the christ ours lord and saviuor.
the System of the Called New Order World is on system in the Globals Apostacie.
Not Based in the Healthy Doctrine Christian . if not in Flases Protoypes Hereticals .
Globals in the Societys in his Names . Pseudo religiuos . fars to the Inmaculated really and reasonings of the lord Jesus Christ in ours conciencies and reflexion . to North america and European. and ours Ibero America . in healthy Conciencies of love to Christ.
in Reformateds Points andVision . Apologeticals
and the defences of Christ .
of the false Alliances. not Based in the Christianity Model in the christ ours lord and saviuor.
the System of the Called New Order World is on system in the Globals Apostacie.

Globals in the Societys in his Names . Pseudo religiuos . fars to the Inmaculated really and reasonings of the lord Jesus Christ in ours conciencies and reflexion . to North america and European. and ours Ibero America . in healthy Conciencies of love to Christ.
in Reformateds Points andVision . Apologeticals
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