The Contexts Extra -Textamentary Conmemorative Day SEMISUD and jhon Knox ,

in the Nexts Affernoom of Today . in the personal Study in Eusebio and Josephus Flaviuos .  II Great Historian . in based to the Inmemorial History Extra textamentary .  in times of the lord Jesus  Christ .

in the concordacies and Events .
is on Studie in Special , in the levels Exploratory . Manys Importand . of the theme Biblico New Theme  Biblicals New textamentary .
in the Contexts and Mission . Theology .
exactly  and the Contexts Originals in History and theology . New Textamentary .   in the Rulers of the true Basis in the  Christian  Faith.

And the Possition of the Firts Christain parents in the Based Original to christ
Imagen relacionadaours lord and Saviuor  in the Eternals eges in the firts related true to ours Conmemorative Acts
that is ours Salvation in the Faith in the lord Jesus Christ .
Eusebiuos Knewn . in the times inmemorial the True in the Order of the Salvation Christian .

to The Equal that the just historain Henbrew Joshepus Flavios . in the Firts Century.
in the Occullars Testimony of the times in the inmaculated person of the lord jesus Christ

in the  Based to the  Inmemorial  history Divine of the Canon Biblicals . in ours Hands  and on Just conciencie of  Valors  to The  Holy Manuscriptes Divines  fars of the heresy  of the Mens today 


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