The Doctrines Politicians of the Character Facism Not Biblicals Semisud and jhon Knox.

Resultado de imagen para signo de los humanos derechosExistencess today on  Type of  Character Pseudo  Doctrinals . Called  the Doxology  Facism in the New Formation of the Today Character  of the System Politicians Religiuos.
in the Mixtures  of Falses Points . and the Order . Today in the States   in ours Present Days
and to Equal that in Times . past  in the Europeans .
in the Control by Acients System.  of violencies and   Social injustices 
in the Times of the Called II Wars of the World. the Olds Facism  is on Longs Option by Musulini .and Hitler   in the Basis of on system Pseudo Religions   in Horribly violencie

the  Called    New  facisms   is today on Nexts point Controvertial in the Century XXI.  in America is Not Only on Insolated Doctrine Falses. if Not on Order Type Religiuos in Sectarims. in the  Ritual . of the Rights to the Saint Alliances
in the  Violation of the Humans Rights  and the violation to the  Freedooms of the Conciencies . in Activity  to the Society
Resultado de imagen para uribe y duque haciendo la Señal fascista foto de campaña.
the New Facism Existing  today  to the Equal that Others Types of Order Intercontinentals . in the Today Called Societys. and  Secullars Logias.  of Homology   intro of the  Mens  .Anomos   in Greek vertion Koine  in the Not Aceptation of the Laws  and the . Statals Justice

in the  False Protection of the humans Rights today . in on society in Major Violation of Status . Politicians . and Corruptions. Seriuos. and by the inocent Person. that Suffer
the  Biblicals vision   is very Different  to the Really  true of Those  Acts.  in ours  Investtigation  by the respect to Humans Rights Whacth  on  Example in Ibero America is Colombia  and others Zones in the Hemisphere  of Ibero America. 


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