The II Types of Different intro of the Researchvs Theologals . and Sectarians Study Semisud and Jhon Knox.

Resultado de imagen para investigacion biblicaThe Nexts Study is the Investtigation  Biblicals in Theology Christians . of the Sectarian  Possition  Nom Christians .
in the Studie  in the  Christians. Basis .

Existencess II Greaters Different  Postured  the I is the Researchvs of the Canon  and the Manuscriptes   to the Possition of Christ  and the Homework  of the  Divine Contexts   to the Sacred Manuscriptes Divines

the Manuscriptes is the Basis by the Today Investtigation Theologals Hermeneutics Universal Christian  to the Really Sourcess  Theologals . 

Imagenthe Sectarians Researchvs .  Is Basis in points Nom  Christians  in formulation Insolated of his Author  Chratics . Possition.
very fars to the Possition of the Really Author of the Faith  Christian  
That is to Christ. the lord.
and the Oustatings Vision and Mission of the   Biblicals  Fields  to the Valor of the Holys Manuscriptes Divines. to Christ. the lord in Schollar Possition Divine today


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