Canon and Study .Semisud and jhon Knox.

ImagenThe Canon is on of  the Studies M
anys Reallys in the Vision of the Contexts . in the III Longs Period . in the Study .
in the Sources of the Holys Manuscriptes Sacred.
the 1. vision is the Theachings Divine in  Healthy Conciencies . Biblicals . in his Origings . Pemsun and Studie .

in the First Times . to the Formal Declaration . of the Gospel in ours lord Jesus Christ that is the Center of the Studie . in Every the Times .
of the Fars Hereticals . Thesis of the men . in the Error.   today . intry the Arrianes and Sabelian . and Other thesis Not Biblicals .

in the Studie . to the Really Sourcess Biblicals . in his Really  Origings . and Ingsignity Vocation. just and Christian. today in Schollra Postured and  just Conciencies.


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