The Bible ours Major Studie Divine in the Really Sources of Conciencies. and Theology

Imagen relacionadaThe Bible and All the Holys Manuscriptes is ours Major Sources of valor . Divine  is the Mores Important Study and Ruler  to ours Conciencies in the Studie and Theology . Divine .
is the valor .

and the Hope  in the Seminary  and the University  .
is the Character  of the Studie  in the Reflextion of the Today  and the Tomorrow . in on Only Person  his Name Christ the Lord . andOurs Saviuor.
in the Studie of the Manuscriptes Divines .

in the Really Reason . of the Christian True  in the Reguister  and Studie . Divine
the Reguister is on continued vision to Christ . and theReally valor Educationals. to  Nexts and news Genertaion in in on longs Continued Studie in healthy Conciencies . Christian .  of the Deformation Hereticals .
in the Theologys Not christian.  to the Investtigationof the Firts III Evidential Centuries. and ours today
in the Character Christian. and Apologeticals defence. just. ison just Honors the Event of the Bible and my Dedicatory just to my seminary in Ibero America  Colombia . and to Semisud.  ousr major Honors thanks . to the Humble Instrucction Biblicals.  in ours Conciencies . and the Jhon Knox. Ibero America and semisud . to Theys this Great Homanage. of Honor and valor
in the Achademical Studie Divine. today how  Theachings and healthy Doctrine in ours lord Jesus Christ. by the Eternal Centurys. 


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