The Studie and vocation Sacred . fars of the Pseudo Theachings in the Holys Manuscriptes .

Biblia abierta iluminada por la luz de unas velasDurings Manys of Ones 70 years and menors years in the Researchvs of the Manuscriptes   in Continued Expossition  Divine
in the Holy Reguister Conmemorative the Bible Apliccity to on Vision . Apologeticals .
in the Theirs  Canon

To ours lord Jesus Christ .
 in  the Vision of the Canon Divine. Ours  Healthy Conciencies is the Major part to christ . in the Holys Scriptures Greek and Christian .  in the Researchvs Continued to the canon . and the Texts Inmemorial Sacred.

 in the Oustating Point . of the Introdution  of the Biblicals Order and  the Chronology .  to christ .
in the Major  of the Vision Biblicals . Hermeneuticals . in the Theology . and the Formals Declaration . of the healthy Theachings of the Times . to Different . of the Hereticals  Thesis   Not christian . in the Really Pemsun Divine  and universitary  in the Schollar Theology . and the healthy Conciencie Christian. 
in the Paper Seriuos . of the Holy Manuscriptes . to the Relation By ours Lord and Redentor Jesus Christ .
in the Longs Greaters Solid Period and the  III Continued Centuries . the Vision of the Bible  is the Representation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
in the Sacred Pesum Divine
and the Faithfull Conciencies , in ours earth.  in christ  his major Example in eternal Contexts in the Studie Continued of the Manuscriptes . in the Schollar Vision . and Vocation. 


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