United States and Ibero America.Semisud and jhon Knox. The Patriacals Laws of Conciencies. Levitariuos .

in the Longs Days Pre-Patricals . of the Biblicals Schollars Contexts  of  Genesis .  in the   Existing laws.  in the Origings of the {Berichith } Hebrew  Designatured    and Greek Nomos. Laws .of Conciencie  and Order Divine by The Lord God YHWVH 

Existing laws. of Conciencies .  on is the Levitariuns . is the Supreme laws Divine . besfored of the Time of
in the Firts Lawguislatures . in the Firts Rulers of the History Divine. and his order . and Possition .
this laws call  Levitariuon. . the laws of the Conciencies intro of the Holy patricals. Phaters just
and the Holy Days of Joshep.

in times Inmemorials . this laws . in theirs Comandaments . was part of the Firts Sources of Conciencie Divine.
incluying Statutes of Conciencies the 1 Trangretions. and Errors Moral and Spirituals. 
José huye de la esposa de Potifarin the holys Times this laws was part of the Order Divine  intro of the Holys Familys Patricals . Incluyings . the Moral and Codice of the Order 3.900 years besfored of the Divines laws in the Sinai. by Order Divine of Moses.
in the Isreal of Times Pre Biblicals . and the Order Divine of Today. in the Holys Scriptures and the Reguister of the Holys Manuscriptes Divines. inours Conciencies. 


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