My Menssager of Valor to Sir President Trump ad the Vice President Pence in Honor to Peace in Colombia

Imagen relacionadaMy Vision of Colombia is on Hope  to the Peace  and the Honor to News Generations today .
the State in Colombian    Dear Sir President  Not   is today Equal   to the Mission and Comission of the
ours Preocupation is the Not Injustice  Social  and the Great Depretion  in the Models and the Designatures  of the Not Wars  in the Factor of the Crisis in Colombia  the major Model is the Respect of the Human Rigths  in Seriuos points  in the States  in Colombia 

the Wars Not is the Sourcess of the Incurtions. in the Wars if not the really  to the just Models Theologals .
My Dreams Not is Views on Models of Wars in Death  in on Nation in Just Hope   in Honors  of the Others and the Illustred Familys  Manys Humbles in the Hemisphere   in Ibero America.  Existences Most Mores Greaters . Causes.  in Spetial in Colombia
by the Factor of the States . My Dreams is the Peace  intro of the today Comflict Injust  in the Actual Problems  that Reallymid Existences  today

in just love and valor Sir  and Dear  President   Donald Trump and the Illustred  Sir President Mike Pence 
Imagen relacionadaColombia  is on Nation in the  future Hope  and Model of Honors  to On People that Suffer.  in Major Times  by the Falte of Employeds. and others Types  in  the Seriuos Problems  in Others Region in Crisis .
in the Great Crisis in others Region .  in Who are the States Known  theirs  Greater Factor in justice and valors Humbles .

by Example the Death of Milies of person Lider social  in the region. and Others Factor Sir President  Trump  only Imagine this Types of Events in the Zones of the Hemispere in Special to  Colombia
in Factor Theologals  My Person  make today on Election the Peace in the Nation. of the Wars in the State  in Colombia  by the Hope to Others Person in equal Similliar Possition today in the Human Rights.


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