On Reason of Hope by Colombia the Peace in these Studie Firts Day of the Week

and the Major Force of Love by the Different to the Acts in Violency in the Comunity and the Hemispherial
to on Just Conciencie to the Valors
Not Only in Colombia if Not in Others Parts of the Earth in Search in his Major Hope and Honors
the Perspectives of Hight Rihgts Humanitarians Intercontinatals . in theEtapes of Crisis and the Educative valor Theologals in the Continued Researchvs and Mission in Sciencies and the Bible
to the Major Hope Intro of the Christian and today the Falses New Order Not Christian .Intercontinentals
in the Mission of the Seriuo Study in the Manuscriptes
in the Mission Sacred , Intercontinental
in the Vocation of the Studie to the Manuscriptes . and the just Right in the Continued Formation . of Helps Intercontinentals Not to the Vision of the Violency Extreme in the Hemisphere . if Not on Hope to Others..
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