The Really valuer Intry the Christians Men in the Not Mores Racistm

Un hombre de raza negra y otro de raza blancaThe Really  Valor to ours Brothers is the Not Mores Types of Differents and  Racistm
in the Scriptures  . and  his  just  Theachings . Divine   in She  in  the Theologals    Healthy  Theachings
in that She  in  the Peace and Conssolation . to on Hope  that is the Lord Jesus Christ.

and Not to the Falses Thesis  in the Ideologys   in that the  Men  Exposed  Comflicts  Inhumanitys
today in the Falses New Order  Sthablecings  by the Greater  Men . in the Power  and his Bad Theachings . in Injustice  and Comflicts   if Not in the Really and the  Eternal Conssolation .  in the All the Hemispheres  Intercontinentals. and the Pardons   of his lifes . in Restauration

in Times of the Century I . the Lord Jesus  in his Great Sermon   Called to the Humanity to on . just and really Conssagration . Eternals .  in the Seriuos Comflict   in the Hemisphere  in the Peace . and the Pardon intro  the  just   Men. in the  Future Promecy

in the times Inmemorials in his Days in the Power of Tiberium Graccus.  in the Studies of the Manuscriptes   in the Reguister Sacred.  to ours Eyes. 


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