Theologal Homenage Inmemorian to the Yuong Police Semisud and Jhon Knox Chaplains

Imagen relacionadaColombia  today  in  My Nexts Dedicatory  in This Night . and to Theirs just Familys  in ours Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ
and the Nexts and New Generations  inours Insignitys Days

My Great Dreams is that Colombia  View the Peace and the Sacred Honors intry his People that Suffer
in those Greater Times of Deep Crisis  Statals. Jhon Knox Seminary and Semisud of Ecuador ours Brothers

Imagenthese Sincere Homenage to the Yuongs Polices  Death  in the Past week
God ooh lord Not Mores Injustice  . peace to Colombia . please
Please to North America  and Peace to the Earth . in ours lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ. Not Mores Bloods  OOh Lord God

OOh isreal . in the Pecae of ours Acients Peoples  in the Lord Jesus Christ . Amen.
ours Manys just Sincerity to his Familys


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