The Scriptures and The life in Divine Justice Semisud and jhon Knox.

El apóstol Pablo escribiendo una cartaThe Bible is the Major Healthy Theachings   and ours theologals Postured  is the Studies of the Manuscriptes . is today ours Vision . and Mission .
to Christ  the  Lord

the Vocation is the Study Continued and the Educationals Theaching  to the  Holys Manuscriptes in  the Vision of the Healthy Theachings
in the justice of Love and faith . Inmemorials.

to on Healthy conciencie in the really to christ .

the just Reason and insignity Postured is the Christ . of Others  Centrals  themes .  to the Direct Theachings .

in his Major Concordancies .
to the just manuscriptes Sacred. in Share to others Humbles person .
Imagenin Seriuos   Christian  valors 

in Times of the I Century   and the firts Suorces Christian Sources  in the really Faith  Conmemorative

in the testimony to the firts Faithfuls Christians in Rome and asian Minor in the Inmemorials example Divine of the Times to christ the Lord.
and the Major  Example Divine to the Holys Manuscriptes.  and the canon. today in ours Hands


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