The Studies of Archeology and Canon. Semisud and Jhon Knox.

Imagen relacionadaThe Nexts Studies . in  the Mission . of Archeology   and Canon . is the Importants  to the Isreal. and Great Part of  Palestinian   lands     is in who are All  Beginings. to the Holy Manuscriptes . and Apology and Concordancies to the  Universitary  Mission 

Eclesiatics    of the ours Times Present in the just  Divine  Fundament and Biblicals. of

The Acients  Repherencie s   of the Manuscriptes and the Schollar Possition Divine of the Others Files  and Field s in the Biblicals . Oustatings   Point  s  of the Mission . to the Archeology and the Context  s  of the Divine Order  Apologetys in ours Lord Jesus  Christ.

the History is on Great part of ours Studie and the Healthy Activity Christians 
in the Actually Paleo Researchvs  of the Manuscriptes . and Seal.

To on of the Mission Mores Important in Archeology  and Canon. to the Reguister of the Manuscriptes Inspirateds  in his Order and Rulers

Well   These is the Great Important Caver of Siloe in the Actual   City Acient of Jerusalem . in the Mission of the Times .

the Archeology part of the Order Biblicals . and the just Possition of the Really Manuscriptes in the Events of the Kings in the Jerusalem . of the    586   to   587

In Times   of the just Kings Sedequiah    is this on Vision Exactly to the Manuscriptes and the Suorces Biblicals Originals .

to isreal . and the Humanity.
The  Caver s  is on of the types Archeology Mores Important in the Actaul Pemsun Universitary in     the Biblicals  Archeology    in Those Days present.

is on Act of love to the Manuscriptes  and the Biblicals Mission . in the Present Times . in the Sucess   in the Times of the Kings. of isreal Inmemorial.

Achademicals Note   in Times of the Kings Sedequiah   the Wars . was part of the Enemys of the Yhaweh    those  types from  wars in Times of  Great  Crisis . in his order and Concordancies to the Holys Manuscriptes. of the Bible.

Today in the Studie to Mission Schollar  Universitary of Telaviv.
and Others Mission Internationals . in the Explorer of the Caver.   in the Dicipline of Canon.


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