The Captured by the Order of King Nabuchonazher Magnus in times of Winters

In Inmemorial Times . jerusalem  is Occuped  by the Great forces of Babylon in Times of Winters
the Babylon . was Expert .  in the Wars .

and his  Millitary  pugned was the Supervivor in the Ice Zones .
and on Great Milliatry Fields . of wars.
by the longs Eges . in the times 

 the Great historian Jenophonte  Writter of  the Great Nabuchonazher  and theirs Great Victorys . and Supervivors. Not Only by Others Nations . small if Not by the Millitarys Order
in pugned to Death  in formal Battles and his Enemys the Egyptian.
The Kings of the People of babylon . was on Kings in Higths  Postured .
and ones of the Acient Familys of the Great Nimrod.

when the Great Kings Nabuchonazer Captured to the Peoples of Jerusalem . was the Winters. in the Zones of the west of the  Medie Orient
and the Attacks Militarys is eminent to  the Jerusalem of the year 586 A,d ,C 
Imagen relacionadathe yuongs profhet only was on Children .
in Smae aspect that the Others,
the Biblicals Description by the historian Greek Jenophonte is smae to these Description to the Manuscriptes . in Major Postured and studie. Divine.
the Great King of Babylon was Inttelligent in the War s. and Very . Insignithy. in the Known to theirs Enemys. By
Nabuchonazer Not was Very Facil of  view fraud.  if Not valient.


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