The Scriptures and the Really Christian Possition. Semisud and Jhon knox.

Imagen relacionadaThe Christian Faithfulls postured . is on Conciencie just to the Vocation of the really to the Manuscriptes .

Is Christ ours Major Guide . to the Studies of the Bible and the Vocation in to his Comandament. in Pugned by the Order and the Faith by longs Generations .

of the Power Anti -Christian . and the Errors . in Thesis Pseudo Doctrinal Not christians   in the Dignity justice and Dicipline of the Canon in   Achademicals  Exercises .
The Really Faith in longs III  Great Period of Centuries is ours lord Jesus Christ. 
of the All   Humans  Society   Not Christians  in  the Original Ecencess.

in the valors of the just Manuscriptes . in Diciline and Activity. in the just valor Christian.
The Today Society Actual  Occupied  Others Types of  Search . Not Christians
to the just and direct Vision of the lord Jesus Christ . in the Vocation of the Biblicals Studies . Divines.

is Christ ours Example  to All the Times . of the Falses Points . in the Today Societys . in Praxys of Corruptions. Moral . in Desafied to ours Lord God.Yhaveh  in the Dicipline of the healthy Doctrine Today christian in the direct   Deny by these types of falses Option Sectarian today. Not christian in Seriuo points of Confutions. and isolated  Heresy. of the times .

in Jhon   Chapter 17  v  3  The lord Jesus is the Trueth  of the  today Societys Sectarian. in desafied to the order Divine . and justice. of part   to ours lord Jesus  Christ 


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