The Vision Moral Biblical Semisud and Jhon Knox. Studie and Antropology

Resultado de imagen para maquina de arado antigua edad de bronceThe Vision Moral Defined Seriuos point in the Vision to God . in times of the Acient Textament.  Existing on Vision in the valor to the Comandaments. Divines . and the Valor Moral .

¿ why  is just and Necessary view the Menssage of the Scriptures . and the Possition of the Context Divine .

to the Seriuo valor  Christians  to  the Manuscriptes and his Parages .
today in on just Conciencies.
to Really of the Bible in ours lord Jesus Christ.

that is the Mores Great Comandament of the Acient formers Anti Christian.
the faith  the Really valor that Others types of PSeudo Theachings . in  the  Not Christians Apologetics.
In Times of the Pre -Christian isreal . in his Great postured and Conciencie to the laws. Divines.
in Exrcises of the laws Moral and Others . in his 316 laws.

The Israelites associate with the Canaanites and are tempted to engage in Baal worship1 Not Adoration of Others Cultures . in the land Canaan  and others Types of Orders . in who are the Lord God Yhaweh    Proscripted by love to his people . in healthy possition. Divine
in Based of others Postures  Not Biblicals  alien  to the   Eternal  Comandaments.  in justice and love 


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