Notre Dame the vision of the Today Events. in Freach city Paris Studie Theology and Events Semisud and Jhon Knox.

Resultado de imagen para catedral de Notre DameThe Event of Notre Dame Paris    of Notre Dame Chatedral . is today on Perspective Not Only Theologals If  Not Cultural

in the   Next Historial Sources  of the past . in Studie and Mission . in These Important and Culturals Chatedral  in Views on of the Odjetived   Not only of the Cultural Mission of the Illustred People of Freanch  if Not others  types Paralleles of Causes.

in Times . of the longs  Period  Medievals .
in these City Existing Suorces . of Documents . by the Order Monasterial .  in Mores 300  years in Activity

Eclesitaicals . and secret of the Monasterial . Reguister of others Documents. in the Exercises of the vastion of the Illustruriuos History of Freanch ,
and the Hights Reguister of the Period Medieval Romanism
in the Service of the Rome .

Imagen relacionadavictor hugo Not Only was on Illustruriuos Writters if not on Narrator . of  the Events in the Higths and Greaters Period of Freach.

in the History of the Firts . Cardinal 200 to the 309 D.E.C  in the Period and Great Batless of the Kings of Freach in the Activity Chatolicals . in in these Illustruriuos Testimony of the Chatedral . in New Restaurations . to the just People of Freach. today

Note in years of the Past Notre Dame . is the Mores Greaters Legady of the Times  to the Humanity
is here in who ares the Prioratus di Sion  in his Firts . Answer . to the Croxiers of Jerusalem . in the Order of the Mission to Rome. and the Oblation of the Conquisters.

here is the testimony of the Centurys . and his Future  today Restauration .
is only the  Firts Theme of the Comtenpoarany  History of the Just People Freach . and the Future Restauration of these Chatedrals . in Mores of ones 900 years  in the testimony Livings of the Eges . 


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