The Education of the Canon and the Christian Apologetics Semisud and jhon Knox.

The Education of the Canon . and the  Apologetics Studys  in the Base  to the Evidency of the Copys and Manuscriptes .

well in firts Oustantings Vision . in the Direction of the healthy Biblicals  Doctrine
is on of the Mission  Mores Important in the Search .
and the New  Schollar Expossition

the News Researchvs . in the Continued Biblicals Researchvs , Christian and Apologeticals .
inthe Studie Seriuos of the Holys Manuscriptes  in the Acient Textament and the New Textaments . in the Investtigation Scientific Theologals .
today .
in isreal and part of the Researvchs Hebrews in the times past and Continueds Times of the Century

in Share the These Important Study Divine to Semisud in ours Seriuos Homework of  Researchvs ,
in the Seiuos Origings of the just    Christian Faith
the just   Christian Faith  of the Firts Centurys  to the valors Just and Really in the Great Period of justice to these  Texts in the Studie Divine of the  Sacred Manuscriptes
in the Suorces Rabbinicals  and Theologals in the  Historicity.

 of the Great Studies to the Bible. and theirs Just Christian Mission  and Education. to ours Hpe that is Christ.


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