The Doctrine of Christ in ours Time and The Others Oustantings Points . of the Not Doctrine Christian . Hereticals Semisud and Jhon Knox. Studies..

Resultado de imagen para jesucristo asciende a los cielos watchtower bibleThe Really Doctrine of Christ . is on the Major Point  in  Biblicals Theology Christian . in the Majors III Centuries . in the Researchvs . and Apologeticals 
in Seriuos . Possition . to ours just Conciencies . of the Hereticals Possition Anti- Biblicals  in Line and Concordancies to ours lord Jesus  Christ .

in the Homework . of the Studies to the Just and Direct Manuscriptes . in Explorations  and Events .
the Bibleis the Major Manuscriptes Sacred .
of the Controversy in the Heregy and Sources Not Based in the Pergamines . in the Hebrew and the Greek Koine. type Classic . Incluyings the  Arameics  vertion   of  Canon .

on possition of the Manuscriptes is the Sources   and Events  Exactlys to Christ.
andthe Biblicals  Studie in the Nexts Sources  the
1 The Manuscripte Archeo Paleografy of the Texts of the Sead Death, 
in who are the Pergamines . Exrcises Signals . of ours Salvator   to his Divinity and firts . possition . in the Biblicals . Investtigation to isreal and the Distric of palestinian   

that is Different to the Heresy Arriane in The Modern and Picmetary possition . to called . Mixte . Inflitration of the Masonery . Not Biblicals . and Nevers Christian. 
far s of the Healthy Doctrine of  the faith in ours Saviuor ours lord Jesus Christ.
Imagento whe are the just Sapient Prophets . Explaining in Direction Divine of the  Biblicals  Manuscriptes

in the vocation of the vision . alien to the Error of the Heresy Not Christian .and  in the Nexts  times of the III and the IV century D .E,C  in times of Confution and Apostacy. Not Inspirated in the Order of the Lord . to the past Generations.

and ours today . Work of Investtigation Christian . in Apology to the Really Defence in the healthy Doctrine . Christian of  the faith.
in the Originals Gospel. in ours lord Jesus Christ.


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