The Doctrine Not Christian of Caos intry the Old Nation and ours Present Days

Resultado de imagen para Rome en llamas por NeroRome   I   Century    E .C    Existings on Doctrine  from the Caos . intry the III Firts Century in the past and ours Similliars Present . intry the Nations from the face Earth,

in these Theachings Not Christians . intry the Greater Nations and Small States .type Guvernamental     ¿ Why  from my  Nexts  Answer    in Odservation .

in the lost Days from the Emperor Nero . Existings these  False Doctrine Not Christian   in the Time .

Resultado de imagen para Rome en llamas por NeroDescripted by the Historian Tacitus and  he illustruriuos Historian Joshepus Flaviuos . when are livings Great part from his life in  the City from  Rome  in the Explendor  of the Great Rome Imperium ,

Most descriptions Exposed the the true of the Acts intry christian and Not Christians.  in the Great Polis from the past and the ilitarys Funtions. from the Inmemorial Times.

the  Next Name of Greek {Polis} Was  on types of causes in the his time and today those Explincings Remenbering the Acts Seriuos in Ibero America. and ours times . in the  Christian vision of the Events to the Manuscriptes in the past and ours Present Days

Asociated to  The Causes From the  Past and the Infiltration of the Falses Statals  Formers.

Descriptes in the Polis and the Historicity   and the Nexts Testimony from livio and Seutoniuos , and the just  Romen Historian pliniuos heyuongs. in times from the  Christain  Eges 


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